Tuesday, April 25, 2006

No Action...

I actually 95% quit my job yesterday. I guess this stuff kind of happened between then and now.

While I was blogging yesterday Katie got off and we kicked it for a minute. Katie, let's hang out for real. Answer your phone when I call!

Then I kind of slept for the rest of the day. After about 25% quitting my job I went to get some movies. Melody was there. Check out Space Amazon and the Warrior Queens. They Shred..

I watched "Ten Benny." I thought it was about horse betting. It wasn't really. This dude:

banged this chick who was his best friends broad. It qas guido tastic..

My Moms is totally in town. We went for breakfast.

I love my mom and all but her purse was pretty wild stallion. I called her on it and she said she knew. Apparently my Gramps asked her "What? Is it leaking oil or something? Why is it that color?"

I set my mom up pretty good photo-wise..

This guy had a really stupid dog.

We didn't really have much to do so we went to the Museum. Turns out my mom had never been there.

This dude was getting his buffalo hunt on:

My mom chilling in the arctic:

Are Lynx's really that bro with varments?

My mom got her blog on pretty good.

These bros were cutting a trail or something. I think it had to do with mining.

Trying to make the Museum cool is a bad idea. Nice lettering.

The boreal forest still sucks..

This bro had a crazy haul of meat in his canoe. He's probably carrying 150lbs..

This dude was getting pretty wild:

Understandable with babes like this around:

This dude was getting his blog on too.

Apparently there was only one:

At least they were honest about us only giving them guns and hatchets and small pox blankets.

I've seen rarer..

Count the boobies and win a prize!

They were weighing anchor or something..

This bro's office was pretty tech.

He even had an elevator. But he also had this wicked crest.

This bobcat was harshing all over this bunny's scene.

This goose was getting pretty wild..

But I scared off this duck real good.

If any of you ladies have undies that look like this, come on over to my place:

Good ad

Drugstore photo labs have always kind of sucked..

But they had mega bed-pan selection..

And this pretty offensive Caribee head..

The old theatre that plays Chalie Chaplin on a loop is pretty cool.

This happened..

You might not be able to tell but this kid just got a super expensive haircut at "Greco" and he's totally bumming on it. The haircut sucked by the way.

My Mom went back to Portage. Then Sarah over. But she's sick so I let her blog me instead.. This was my dinner.

Sarah shot this delicous photo of me..

Yeah, so it's 7:35 and I need something to do. If you're reading this, you should be calling me...


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