Monday, September 04, 2006

"We are having a party, please come. It won't be the same without you, so please come."

Someone should have said that to me this week. You'll see. It starts in a few photos.. But first..

This Tentacle dude is keeping it pretty real..

Not to mention Top Gun was on..

Over to the Office to eat some Subway. Bill was there.

Pretty tuckered out..

It was Penguin's birthday I guess..

Kev-Bro was in town for a minute..

This is kind of where the party started. Watching Welcome to Hell. Evan is all like "dudes, how old is this?"

Tyborg and Bramwell aren't looking away for nothing..

So the next 80 photos or so are pretty much party photos. I'll try to make it exciting.

J-bone was doing his epic thing..

This bird was there. I thought she was a teen. It turns out she doesn't even suck..

This might be Tyborg's dongler..

J-Fridgington is back on the market..

And Kung Fu got played for the first time in a while..

Yeah, she is kind of cute, I guess..

Brady is back from Germania. He came by to get his freak out on real quick like.

Dude love..

Tyblorg.. Definately not a misogynist..

But still too good for Adley..

Brady is perfectly well-adjusted.

Jake is pissed because he is the only one that likes snowboarding..

Brady was skating barefoot.. Always a good idea..

See what I mean. Tyborg would never impose his priviledge on a woman.

Nick getting the attention he so rightly deserves..

We finally made it to Die Maschine.

Mel was there.. I guess we are friendly again..

I don't know how Brent gets away with this gear, but honestly, I don't even care..

I think Adey is trying to keep up with Mel. That's no easy job..

But he can keep up with Marky B..

It turns out Teri-Lynn is Marky B's lady friend.

Yeah, it was a regular dance party..

Some art..

"No way, really?"

I guess Pam was there..

And all of these people..

That girl, and some guy with really shitty hair..

Nick slaying it..

See they're in love or whatever..

Larkin was there..

I think this is that girl's sister..

K-Bro would have called this a "broto"..


Chicks are finally starting to get it..

Mikey B night is okay.. The guy that fills in for him on his breaks sucks though..

I guess Jed knows lots of people..

More art..

Tyborg and I were epic'ing..

It kind of looks like something scandalous is happening on your right..

More Ty and that girl..

You know who..

Some more dancing..

Jason showed up, on a date, actually wearing a shirt..

I wish I was the kind of dude that could pull off hats..

So MJ was there. She pretended to not care about me puking all over the place. That was nice of her.

I'm pretty into what she is laying down..

I don't even know that kid, I think I was excited to see him though..

Moz was there..

And Dragonson and his GF who looks like his sister.. They're totally 18..

Some more Mel, blue vinyl seems illegal. It's not..

Martin and a moustached Bramwell

One last Jimbo shot..

And the Stranglereer..

And Drewseph..

A little bit of break from the blorg-fest.. Had to meet Andy at school.

We had to go wait in the Politics department.

People need to learn how to write better papers..

Then Sarah showed up.. She's leaving town..

Strangler again..

Sarah's party was pretty bike heavy..

And again.. With french fries and a yam burger..



Then Vector'd over to Bortfest, where only Jon and Bill were holding it down..

Back to partying. It was T-dubs b-day.. Sometimes blind blogging doesn't work out..

We went bowling and stuff. But most of Tara's friends aren't my scene.. But then there was a house party..

Sarah P is in town. She is as cool as Tara said..

Scott and Ryan are hot and luke warm crew respectively..

There is something special about Sarah..

Drinking Tequilla from the bottle = good times..

More Scott..

And Rob G, who has a baby now..

I hadn't done this in a minute..

Happy birthday..

Check out those birthday socks.

Sunday night adventure.. Camp songs in the car. This one is about Wisconsin Milk..

We went to the Moon, but it was feeling kind of heat, so we didn't stay long..

Everyone else was being babies, so Sarah P and I ventured on.. To this crazy pit of death. It's at the Strangler's make out spot. It's cool if you find it, but you won't get any directions from me..

The spot is so good.. You could sleep there.. We almost did..

If you don't know this, you don't know anything..

"Wouldn't you pull the alarm first?"

This sums it up pretty good..

After wandering around for quite some time and a drive to the country, we found what we were looking for..

No, not Jesus. Louis.. THE NEW JESUS!!

That's that.. I leave on the 19th.. So let's party..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

way to blog me looking all mutant/shapeshifter-like!

i started up an mp3 blog, maybe there will be some morrissey...


8:41 PM  

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